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What I believe

I firmly believe business families do not carve out anywhere near enough time for learning, having fun, talking about the future, and celebrating together.


Most business families drive hard and expect top performance, yet neglect to refuel the tank of the family and its individual members. In some cases the concept of 'refueling the tank' is an afterthought until a breaking point is reached and the family finds itself (or one of its members) at the side of the road on empty. Then questions such as 'why didn't you say something sooner?', 'how did we let it come to this?' and 'why didn't we pay more attention?' begin to surface. These questions may be met with responses such as 'I tried to tell you but you were always busy and it was never a good time', or worse, litigation.


I have observed countless families set audacious business goals (example: 'double our business in 4 years'), work tirelessly towards achieving (and often surpasing) them, and then these leaders proceed to set even more audacious goals to level-up again in their next round.


To the entrepreneur in me this is very exciting. However, to the family man in me it is concerning because of the confidential check-in calls I conduct with the individuals in each family I work with. I have come to see that in many of these successful businesses, their family circle is paying the price. - I have come to believe the vast majority of families do not make enough time to pause and reflect upon how far they’ve come and celebrate the milestones passed along the way. After repeated rounds of the 'growth-at-all-cost' cycle, I've observed family members (particularly those not in control) becoming disillusioned and, in some cases, marriages and intergenerational relationships becoming fractured. Questions such as ‘what are we doing this for???” begin lurking beneath the surface which, if left undiscussed, crack the foundation (particularly when ownership is spread across branches and generations of a family where goals may differ.) - The high level of work, sacrifice and reinvestment required for the business system to continue scaling to new peaks can only be sustained if the family and ownership systems are also nurtured with the same intention. Through the hundreds of family council meetings facilitated and check-in discussions I've been privy to, I believe there is an opportunity in the market to help families invest in their family circle with a similar degree of intention that they employ while investing in their business circle. Doing so will give families the opportunity to recharge, learn and prepare for the future, and hopefully even improve/restore relationships between family members in the process.


In short, the three systems at play within enterprising families (family, business, and ownership) will always be interdependent. The long-term health and vitality of each system relies on the health and vitality of the other two.


Through listening I have discovered a unique way to bring it all together in a way that helps families thrive across generations.

My Mission

Help mission-appropriate enterprising families thrive across generations by integrating world-class intergenerational planning services with unique experiences that client families will always remember from their journey together.

Ethos - 'Mortar' for Business Families

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Enterprising families that thrive for generations don’t ‘just happen’.

In fact, the majority of families that embarked haphazardly on this quest have failed.

Are the failures due to a lack of intelligence or an aversion to hard work? Absolutely not.



Traditional planning neglects the 'soft-side', leaving families ill-equipped for the quest.

Misalignment strains communication, erodes trust, and the opportunity to prepare nextgens is wasted.

As family relationships fracture, the business struggles, loyal staff and other stakeholders become disillusioned and, if not resolved before it’s too late, outsiders whisper 'shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in 3 generations' about yet another once-prominent enterprising family.

In the end, the wealth and reputations families spent decades (or generations) of hard work, sacrifice, and community generosity to build are frittered away and lost.



The service I offer is akin to 'mortar', helping select, mission-appropriate enterprising families that are serious about continuity planning to realign, plant, grow, and thrive across generations.

My clients work hard, persevere, and invest in both their business and family circles.

My clients recognize families are collections of individuals and, for enterprising families to remain cohesive and connected for generations, all forms of capital (intellectual, social, human, financial) must be nurtured with great proactivity, intention, and focus.



I believe enterprising families need a safe and confidential forum where they can communicate honestly about where they are now, and where they want to go.

Rich communication leads to common values and, from there, an inspirational mission and vision.

Strategic plans bridge the gaps, and trusted advisor teams (legal, accounting, tax) gather to execute in symphony.

Oh, and our work together should be FUN! Sacred time is carved out for families to pause, stow phones away and reflect upon how far they’ve come as they enjoy moments of rich celebration along the way.

After all, what are you doing this for?



For families that value legacy, 'mortar' is what I bring to their multi-generational job site. - Not one of the stones, but rather an impartial interface that helps keep structures strong.

Mortar works quietly, discreetly, unceremoniously. To outsiders, the mortar should be invisible.

Mortar listens to understand each stone’s uniqueness, and looks to place and position in ways that bond.

External stakeholders should only see the impressive structure the stones are building together, while the stones themselves know mortar is there with them in their structure and can be counted on - rain or shine.

Chris Reichert, MBA, FEA, TEP, ICD.D


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Based in Winnipeg

Serving mission-appropriate families

across Canada

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